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How To Choose The Right DSLR Camera?

When it comes to buying a camera, the first question that comes to our mind is the number of megapixels. If the camera has a high megapixel count, it has better image quality. Well, it is a myth! A higher megapixel count only lets you click pictures in varied sizes. It is the sensor size and lens quality that let you click brilliant shots. These two factors set a DSLR camera apart from the regular point and shoot ones.

Here are some of the features for buying the right DSLR camera-

#1 Image stabilization

Nikon D750 DSLR

Buy Nikon D750 DSLR Camera (Body only) @ Rs 119,700

No matter how firmly you hold the camera, the results can be a little blurry especially when you are shooting indoors with low light conditions. In these situations, your shutter needs to stay open for a longer duration which leads the camera to shake causing blurry results. Hence, a lens with image stabilization feature can prevent blurry pictures. There are three types of stabilization –

Optical stabilization – It uses gyroscope within the camera or the lens to detect the shaking of camera and steadies the image while getting clicked.

Sensor stabilization – In this type, gyroscopes are located in the camera body which moves the image sensor to counter the motion of the camera.

Digital stabilization – In this method, the image is altered after it has been captured by using the camera settings.

#2 ISO

Nikon D750

Buy Nikon D750 with 24-120 mm Lens @ Rs 145600 

It refers to your camera’s sensitivity to light. Lower ISO means your camera is least sensitive to light and can click better (non-grainy pictures). Higher ISO is usually selected when your subject is in motion or when you want to click vintage themed photographs which have little grains.

#3 Viewfinders

Nikon D3300

Buy Nikon D3300 DSLR Camera with 18-55 VR II Kit Lens @ Rs 30314

There are 3 types of viewfinders –

Optical viewfinder – An optical viewfinder shows exactly what the lens covers. However, the final picture is cropped around the edges. This type of viewfinder is usually preferred by professional photographers.

Electronic viewfinder – Unlike an optical viewfinder, an electronic viewfinder does not show the full scene hampering your creative decisions of clicking a particular shot. The electronic viewfinder has a slight lag time which is less preferred if you click subject in motion.

LCD screen – Your camera comes with an adjustable LCD screen which allows you to shoot above or below the head level. If you are clicking pictures in full sunlight, viewing pictures on a regular LCD screen is a bit tedious due to the glare.

#4 Flash

Nikon D3300 DSLR with Lens

Buy Nikon D3300 DSLR Camera with 18-55 mm & 55-200 mm Lens Kit @ Rs 35690

There are two types of cameras- one with built-in flash and other with a hot shoe mount which is a bracket that lets you attach an external flash. If you are a casual photographer, you can select a camera with a built in flash. The cameras with hot shoe mount are ideal for professional photographers as they throw light far and wide improving the picture quality.

#5 Auto Face Detect

Nikon D5300 with Lens

Buy Nikon D5300 with 18-55 mm Lens @ Rs 36754

With this feature, the camera locates people in a photograph and adjusts the focus accordingly adding maximum exposure to the faces. You can opt for this feature if you usually click group pictures casually or professionally.

#6 Video

Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Buy Canon EOS 5D Mark III @ Rs 199,999

There are certain DSLR cameras which come with HD video recording. The ones with a video feature may lack a couple of other utility features but you have to make that choice. Your DSLR camera allows you to capture videos with the variety of available lenses.

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