An absolutely wonderful product. Very easy to assemble. But you need 2 people to assemble it, cannot do it alone But it will be a really fun task for you and you partner if you choose to assemble it yourself.
But the seller will provide you a carpenter at a particular cost. It’s not free. the complete thing looks strong and sturdy. The finished product looks really good, far more than a 4000 rupee rack. It is also very spacious.
Deckup Company has taken care of tiny details in the assembly with a good manual to follow. But assembling is a job of 2 people
Some tips for assembling-
1. The wooden pegs help put everything together in 1 place. After which you have to use the screws provided.
2. Apply oil to screws before putting them in. It really helps.
3. You actually don’t need a hammer as the manual suggests. Just make sure you follow the instructions.
Highly recommended if you are looking for the best bookshelf.